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Astrology Chart 

What is it?

Astrology chart reading is where your date, time and place of birth is used in a chart reading calculator to read the map which your soul left you at the time of when you were born the stars and planets allow you to unfold your story during this lifetime.


Book your astrology chart reading 

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Denise - @sacredsanctuarycandles

Stevie is such an intuitive, kind and authentic coach and leader. I've been part of her membership girl and the moon since day one as well as working with her in subscribe to your dream life, had one-off card readings and attended her summer solstice retreat. I love working with Stevie she's amazing.

Becs - @rlcoachinguk

I’ve been part of Stevie membership for a while now and I love how much I have learnt about astrology and how I can manifest with the moon. Stevie has such an incredible community and the energy is always high. I also love the monthly workbooks too. I’ve also worked with Stevie 1:1 and had a card reading at a very tough time in my life and I have to say the clarity I had after that call was amazing and I went on to create a business and life on my terms. Thank you Stevie for being you and sharing all of your knowledge and expertise for us.

Diane Barton Bates - @dianebartonbates

As a member of the girl and the moon, each month you receive amazing worksheets and information on what's happening with the moon and planets and two live zoom sessions! Stevie is amazing with so much knowledge and truly gifted and through working 1:1 I have followed my dreams. A beautiful soul.

How it can help you?

This helps your gain clarity, confidence and understanding of your unique energy and purpose during this lifetime.


To gain deeper awareness and understanding of your unique path and purpose. This allows you to build belief and identify a clear pathway to allow you to reach your potential to feel purposeful and alive.


What will you receive? 

These sessions help you gain clarity, confidence and belief to allow you rewrite your stars for success and manifest the life with the tools your soul left you here to achieve it!


Together we will explore where the stars were aligned at the time of your birth to bring awareness to highest path of potential.


We will provide you clarity on what is holding you back and where you can reach for the stars.


How long is it for?


These are hour long session totally unique to you and your star energy. 


After each appointment you will be provided a recording of the session and the map of your stars to allow you to continue to have a deeper awareness and understanding of your unique energy after the session.

Book your astrology chart reading 

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